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Why stablecoins are fascinating?

Osman Sarman
2 min readFeb 23, 2022

As a Turkish-American, I’ve first-hand experienced how stablecoins can provide a better alternative to previous forms of money. While fiat money (e.g., Turkish Lira) is plagued by inflation, most of the cryptos (e.g., bitcoin) have been too volatile to be used as a medium of exchange. Luckily, there are early signs of stablecoins’ product-market fit as an advanced form of money across the globe. Given how fundamental it would be to create a price-stable digital currency that may replace existing fiat monies, this subcategory of the crypto ecosystem have been burgeoning with innovation. I am a firm believer that stablecoins may impact our lives more than many disruptive technologies that have come in to existence.

So what’s a good resource to start learning more about stablecoins? There are indeed many great resources out there with Crypto Twitter being one of them. However, while I was knee-deep researching stablecoins, I’ve realized that these resources were all over the place and I was getting lost while trying to guide my research. Accordingly, I’ve decided to make stablecoins easy to understand and use for everyone. In addition to compiling all these resources in one place, I’ve decided to publish a series of articles called Stablecoin Primer that elaborate the importance of stablecoins as well as the details of specific stablecoin projects (e.g., FRAX).

By making stablecoins easy for all readers, my ultimate goal is to convey why stablecoins may be the last piece in the money puzzle and why they are here to stay.

